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Brunch of SAPP by Zeynep Kaynar produced in Summer, 2020 at Tampere. Grafiikanpaja Himmelblau.

A4 size original etching print on 350 gr Hanemühle paper (of 20 editions). Tampere, Finland.
53 x 65 cm, including custom made frame

The production of SAPP alphabet has been a constant process of typographic design and observation that helped me develop a sustainable visual system to identify the relationship of mind and body. Starting from 2018, I have been working on the development of the SAPP Alphabet using artistic research methodologies influenced by the analysis of gestural, performative practices in visual art. This etching is the second version of bed analysis sketches.

SAPP projesi, hali hazırda var olan alfabetik sistemleri esas alarak, beden hareketlerine dair formları analiz ediyor. 2018 yılında başlamış olduğum araştırmamda, performans sanatından ilhamla, görsel araştırma metodlarını kullanarak jestleri ve uykudaki beden hareketlerini analiz ettim. Söz konusu eser, analiz eskizlerinden ilham alıp, serinin ikinci gravür baskısıdır.

Shipping fee: €20

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